Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hotel Verneuil, Paris, France

In the last 24 hours, Paris has really punched me in the face.  I fell asleep reading the English translated French novel Enough About Love, I woke up to read the New York Times review of Adam Gopnik's new book on French cuisine, and then sat down to my computer to watch the trailer for Martin Scorsese's new Paris-based film Hugo.  (Super excited about this movie, btw!)  Needless to say, I took this as a sign and went hunting for a Paris hotel that plays into all the fantasy we Americans often feel about that city.

Meet the Hotel Verneuil on The Left Bank.  This is a converted 17th century townhouse with 26 little rooms and with its bold wallpaper, stone vault restaurant and cozy little study, it seems just perfect.  Also, it's affordable, so perhaps my Paris fantasy could someday become a reality.  

Photos from i-escape.


  1. Oh, thanks for this! It's always nice (and rare) to hear of an affordable hotel in Paris that is charming. Adding to my travel folder!

  2. very nice blog.Thank you very much for sharing.

    Paris France Hotels

  3. Great description and pictures! I am interested to go on that hotel this coming January. Thanks for sharing!

    Hotel Parigi
